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by Product area Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


Hide details for R7/R8 InteroperabilityR7/R8 Interoperability
Hide details for  8.5.2 8.5.2
CTOO82BGNCThe install procedure was not installing domino_7_0_4.dtd and domino_7_0_4.xsd, which are required for backward compatibility. These files are now...
Hide details for  8.0.2 8.0.2
SQCN7AVC2SWhen upgrading a multi-user installation from 7.x to 8.x, verification now occurs to make sure the client startup checks the correct reg key for the...
JRED7CFVYHThe 8.0x versions of pubnames.ntf needed to be modified to account for pre-r8 Settings documents. The problem was that if an address book was...
Hide details for  8.0.1 8.0.1
SCHA74XLBQThis fix resolves an issue when a database or a design element is opened from the Designer into the Notes Standard Client, the database does not open...
Hide details for ServerServer
Hide details for 14.0 FP314.0 FP3
PSHED6MGLEServer - Web Server - Fixed an issue where, in some cases, response documents were missing in views using the RestrictToCategory option...
DFLSCZMT9GServer - Database - Fixed a crash that could occur due to lock table full on IMAP enabled database. Panic was from OSBBlockAddr from...
MOBND5CSYTServer - Adminp - Fixed an issue where a user's inbox was getting rebuilt daily by the Notes client causing long delays for large...
MOBND5XJUNServer - DirSync - Fixed an issue where DirSync was syncing disabled users as well as computer accounts.
PCHND5ZE7QServer - Adminp - Fixed an issue where, when processing mail policies, adminp was logging misleading error messages regarding BusyTimeHarvestOptOut...
HYZGD665PBServer - Database - Fixed a crash that could occur from keySearch function with error "PANIC: OSBBlockAddr: Bad BBlock handle" or error "Lock...
SGHHD6FA5FServer - Mail - Fixed an issue where the List-Unsubscribe-Post header was not being signed for DKIM.
MOBND6RJVVServer - Full Text - Fixed a crash that could occur on very large full text indexes.
NPDID7B9ANServer - Entitlement Tracker - Fixed an issue where the entitlement tracker was not correctly recognizing that groups with an ACL access level of...
JTHSD7V8YRServer - SMTP - Fixed an issue with the inbound SMTP implicit Bcc feature when enabled in the configuration document MIME -> Advanced -> Advanced...
VMRUD2WPKJServer - DAOS - Fixed an issue where "tell daosmgr repair all" and single NLO repair "tell daosmgr repair <nlo object>" command didn't work the same...
MOBND72PNAServer - Directory Services - Fixed an issue with DirSync where invalid arguments error was causing an exception and either skipping sync objects or...
MOBND5XJZWServer - Entitlement Tracker - Fixed an issue where Entitlement Tracker was creating entitlements for disabled users and computer...
UMAKD7RDRUServer - Backup and Restore - Fixed an issue where using Domino Backup with Veeam VSS application aware snapshot failed when trying to mount the...
NGRTD8PAUAServer, Client - General - Fixed a crash that could occur in ConvertTextToTIMEDATEZoneExt/CvtTextToTIMEDATEExt2 functions for certain documents. ...
SRPID8CNQSServer - General - Fixed a crash that could occur when running "restart server"
MOBND8DJEUServer - LDAP - Fixed an LDAP Bpool full error condition that required a server restart as a workaround.
SOMTD72S7XSever - IMAP - Fixed a crash that was happening with IMAP enabled database in LKCONTEXT::LkLookupOwnModefix due to lock table full.
SMOYCZEEP3Server - Database- Fixed an crash that was occurring during note update with error - PANIC: List Entry count in TEXT_LIST is invalid...
VMRUD8RHY8Server - Database - Fixed a crash that was occurring during update/updall from AddInSetStatusLineStringID when attempting to update certain...


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